Your financial support of Harrisburg Academy enhances the experience of each of our students. Through the generosity of our alumni, families, faculty and staff, friends, and the greater community, contributions to the Academy Fund help position Harrisburg Academy to continue emerging as an educational thought leader. Since the founding of Harrisburg Academy, we have fostered an environment where each student is seen, known, and celebrated as they discover their full potential. When you support the Academy, you support students who are thriving in the International Baccalaureate Program as they learn to work collaboratively and think creatively. With their dedication to serving others, passion for the environment, and innovative ideas for future economic growth, our students will change the world.
By making an unrestricted gift to the Academy Fund, you partner with us to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and our annual operating budget, providing necessary funding for our exceptional faculty and staff to facilitate the continued growth of the next generation of leaders.
#LearnBoldly #SpartanStrength