Within the cigar industry, Jalapa, Nicaragua, is well-known for its rich, thin, and sophisticated tobacco, famously used as a wrapper by cigar manufacturers and brands, big and small. Its agricultural production inexplicably flourishes amongst the scenery of beautiful mountains and valleys. Yet, while the rustic city’s economy has grown with the evolution of subsistent to commercial agriculture, its people, nevertheless, live in heartbreaking poverty.

In Jalapa, many children don’t have access to formal education, families do not have access to healthcare resources, and fathers and mothers who make US $2/day simply cannot afford to feed their kids. The reality of Jalapa, for too long, has remained unseen.​

Last Fall, these communities were devastated by multiple hurricanes over just a few short months. Catastrophic rain, wind, floods, and landslides swept across the Yucatan Peninsula as each new tropical storm threatened citizens' safety in these areas. The devastation has left many dead and hundreds of thousands of families displaced with no ability to care for their families' wellbeing.

In the wake of this, however, even now as the world struggles through a pandemic, we have reason to hope that things can and will change.


With support from The Exodus Road, Ace Prime is creating a Foundation that will permanently support the most vulnerable, children with special needs, and the elderly in Jalapa. The staff at the Ace Prime Foundation are local community members, and every single penny raised directly supports families with food, water, and much needed community resources in the most vulnerable areas. 

Our project is also focused creating on long-term solutions like building a day care for children with special needs, creating jobs for parents, and providing families with resources like medical assistance, education, and proper nutrition.