1. ​Horizons has been providing academic and enrichment opportunities to children in our community since 1995.
  2. All donations to Horizons stays in our community to help promising students.
  3. We enroll low income students from grades Pre-K through grade 8 that are eager to learn. 
  4. Our "Six-Weeks of Happiness" is designed to inspire minds, build opportunities, transform lives, and break the cycle of generational poverty. 
  5. Our personalized instruction is led by certified teachers that care about our kids and their academic success.  Our classrooms offer a 1-to-5 staff-to-student ratio to maximize learning.
  6. We invest in our students success by building long-term relationships with our students and their families. 
  7. We provide free breakfasts, lunches, and transportation to and from our sites. 
  8. Our program is tuition-free and is supported by caring people like YOU! 
  9. Our students participate in community service projects to give back and help others.
  10. The Horizons program works!
    • Horizons students gain 8 to 12 weeks in achievement in math and reading each summer
    • 97% of Horizons students graduate high school
    • 91% of our high school graduates go on to college or other post-secondary education.