“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” – Psalm 34:9
They say the heart of the home is in the kitchen and that is no different at Gehlen Catholic School. The $2.5 million Heart of the School Campaign will and focus on remodeling and expanding the heart of the school, known as the kitchen and cafeteria, which has not seen major improvements since the opening of the school in 1953.
Fundraising for the cafeteria and kitchen started back in 2017 with the “We are Many. We are One.” Capital Campaign. With those successful fundraising efforts and a portion of the generous Dennis Groetken Estate donation, $660,000 was contributed toward the project!
If you have walked the halls of this space, worked the concession stand, or eaten at a tailgate, you may be aware that a project of this magnitude has been needed for years. Simply remodeling would require all safety codes be brought up to date, which would decrease occupancy and not allow all students to make it through the cafeteria during the mandatory timeframe. Therefore, the expansion and renovation has been approved by the Gehlen Catholic Finance Committee, School Board and the Diocese of Sioux City.
What is so exciting about the Heart of the School Campaign?