Home for the Holidays is something many of us take for granted, but for others, it is a goal with an uncertain future. Approximately 37% of working families in Lenawee County still struggle due to low wages and high costs of living. They are getting by, but only just.
This includes homeowners like Roger, a farmer who lost his arm and part of his remaining hand in a farming accident. He has lived in his home for over 20 years, with only a wood-burning stove as a source of heat.
Roger chops enough wood by himself every year to make it through the winter. He then wakes every two hours to keep the fire burning and heat his home throughout the night.
Roger tells us, “Chopping wood is killing me. I just can’t do it anymore.”
With your support, Habitat can help.
Habitat Lenawee is developing a fund to support critical repairs and help residents stay in their homes safely for as long as possible. There are currently no programs that meet this growing need.
Thank you very much for your compassion for the families who urgently need safe, secure housing — this season and every day of the year.