Friends and Family of St. Francis Borgia High School,
A concept that means a great deal to our school is that of “value.”’ Our tuition for this school year is $9,060, the lowest in the St. Louis Archdiocese high school system and thousands below the rates at other private high schools in the region. And yet we maintain high academic standards - consider that a 2022 graduate in the top 50% of their class boasted an average 3.86/4.00 grade point average and an average ACT composite score of 27.7. The top 10% of that class posted very impressive marks of a 3.99/4 and a 32.5 ACT!
Borgia is able to maintain its academic rigor, grow its student-facing staffing, enhance curriculum, complete facility upgrades and offer a wide variety of extracurricular and athletic opportunities thanks to the generosity of the Borgia community. We met the challenge of a widening gap between our tuition and the cost of educating our students last year through the record-breaking support we received from the Borgia family. With our Day of Giving, we hope to reach that level of support again.
Already, members of the Borgia community have stepped up with a group of challenge grants for our Day of Giving that total $75,000. These challenge grants mean every dollar raised through the first $75,000 doubles in value.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of a gift for St. Francis Borgia High School.
Matt Schutte
SFBHS President